Our Selection of Heritage Suzani Cushions Inspired by Jane Austen
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Our Selection of Heritage Suzani Cushions Inspired by Jane Austen

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For this week’s blogpost, we selected four suzani cushions that we were inspired by Jane Austen and her most eminent books. While her use of plots often explored dependence of women on marriage and economic security, she managed to reach to millions with only six pieces fit in during her time.

If you’d like to discover four pieces of hers that we think relate with our hand embroidered cushions, keep reading!


  • Sage Cushions and Pride and Prejudice

green suzani cushion

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Written in 1813 by Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice has consistently appeared as one of the "most-loved books" among literary scholars and the public. With over 20 millions of copy sold, there is no hesitation that this book is one of the most popular novels in English literature. Our Sage Red Silk Suzani cushion, on the other hand, present a beautifully embroidered green, red and blue flower patterned Suzani in the front, and a beautiful green Ikat cushion on the back.


  • Saffron Flower with Sense and Sensibility

beige and red cushions

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First published in 1811 anonymously, the novel sold out its first run of copies in 1813, which marked a success for Jane Austen. It was the first Austen title to be republished and it has been in continuous publication since 1811, where the book has been illustrated and adapted for stage and films. While, our Saffron Flower Silk Suzani cushion has wonderfully hand embroidered red and blue flower pattern on the front and a gorgeous red and blue ikat cushion at the back.

  • Mastic Silk Suzani and Emma

blue and white suzani cushions

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Emma by Jane Austen is about youthfulness and romantic misunderstandings where the novel was first published in December 1815. With a focus on age, marriage and social status issues, the novel has been adapted for several films, series and stage plays. Heritage Geneve Mastic Aroma Silk Suzani cushion has beautiful green and yellow flower patterns in the front and a green and yellow Ikat cushion at the back.

  • Pomegranate flower and Mansfield Park

black and red suzani cushion

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Mansfield Park is the third published book by Jane Austen and was published in 1814. The novel tells a story about Fanny Price, and her being sent to a wealthy household to live at age ten, where this piece has been adapted to stage and screen in the past years. Our Pomegranate Tree Silk Suzani cushion, on the other hand, presents beautiful pomegranate patterns and flowers in red and purple on the front of the cushion and a beautiful red, black and white Ikat cushion at the back.